Monday 26 February 2007


Is shoplifting any different to any other kind of theft?
This is an awkward question in a sense. I belive both yes and no. Yes you are not targetting an individual or not intending to harm anybody unless it is an armed robbery. on the other hand shoplifting is no different to any other kind of theft because you are still wrongfully taking something that does not belong to you no matter what the object is.

Why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift them instead?
people who can afford to to buy things i feel shoplift just for the excitment and the experience of shoplifting or maybe its for power either to show off their power or to flaunt it. or simply just to save money.

Thursday 22 February 2007

I think we should all go on a week long field trip to a nice hot country where we do not have to do any work

Wednesday 21 February 2007


Well what can i say thank god for july 1st......
I work as a waitress and absolutely hate it when people are in the bar area and all u can smell is smoke. Thankfully the main restaurant is a non smoking area but there is a smaller restaurant where we do allow people to smoke if nobody else is around. I do think that all public places should be made smoking free as it not only affects the smoker the fumes also affect the non smokers. also on a night out in oubs and clubs i absolutely hate coming home and my hair and clothes smelling of smoke. My mom smokes but she is only allowed in the kitchen (if i hade my way she would be forced outside) numerous member of the family have asked her if she would consider giving up because of the harm it causes ashe replies "well i could step out the door today a be knocked over by a bus" or ive smoked for 30 years now why give up" which i suppose is a valid reason. On the other hand as a health studies student knows the consequences of smoking and the dangers it involves especially as smokers in Britain are becoming younger and younger.
With regards to why do people smoke?
I do not think it looks cool at all if anything it puts me off, most of my mates fortuantely do not smoke or if they do they are social smokers when they have had a few to drink, i think this is the case for many social smokers.
For more facts and figures on smoking and harmful gasesthat are contained see the ASH (action on smoking and health) website>